Tuesday 15 March 2011

Participants for treasure hunt??

I'm planning on having a treasure hunt throughout various businesses Facebook pages. It will consist of finding around three questions per page that participates. One prize per winner that must answer all questions correctly. Additionally, I was thinking of including extra entries for people who are 'likers' of each page and another two entries for all purchases made during the competition week!! If you would like to participate or have extra thoughts or questions, email me: feltright1@gmail.com 


  1. Already confirmed pages for May treasure hunt:
    - ME: Felt Right
    - 1 ruby road
    - Deb's novelty cakes
    - Rachipops
    - Princess Hair Pretties

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. New condition for businesses wishing to join this on (planned for May) is it you need to be Hervey Bay/Maryborough based.

    Adding Creative Name Tags to the list!! :)

  4. Oh ok - that count's me out then I guess - Princess Hair Pretties!

  5. I am happy to do a joint one for next month (April) with you Erica! :) What do you think? Do you know of maybe 2-3 more pages that may like to join in for April??
